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Welcome to Southeastern Louisiana University’s General Application!

Scholarship applications are open for the 2025-2026 academic year.

YOU MUST BE ADMITTED TO SOUTHEASTERN TO LOGIN AND COMPLETE AN APPLICATION FOR SCHOLARSHIPS. If you have not done so, please login using your Southeastern email and password using the "Sign In” button in the top right corner. You must sign in to access your General Scholarship Application.

General Application
All students must complete a General Application. Depending on your academic major and/or other criteria, you may qualify to complete an additional application. Upon completion of the General Application, any additional applications will be listed below the General Application.


  • Many of our scholarships are “automatch”. This means the system will match you to all the scholarships for which you may be eligible.
  • If the Actions column says “none,” no further action is required by the student. If you meet the scholarship criteria, you will be automatically included in the pool for committee review. If you are selected as a scholarship recipient, you will receive an official scholarship offer notification via email.
  • If the Actions column says “Apply”, this scholarship has supplemental questions to be answered. If you are selected as a scholarship recipient you will receive an official scholarship offer notification via email.
  • If the Actions column says “Ended”, the deadline has passed and the scholarship is no longer taking applications.

Deadline: February 15, 2025

Scholarship Search
Under “Opportunities” select “All” in the menu above to browse all scholarship opportunities. This list shows all scholarships without filtering them based on your individual credentials, so save your valuable time by reading the descriptions carefully before applying. Select “Recommended” to view scholarship opportunities for which you may be eligible. If after reading a scholarship description, you know you don’t qualify, don’t apply.

Additional scholarship opportunities may become available after the General Scholarship Application deadline. It is your responsibility to check your online application frequently for additional scholarship opportunities that may become available.

29 Found • Remove Filters

Opportunities Table
Award Name Actions
Varies Alexis & Todd Ducorbier Family Scholarship
Established by Alexis & Todd Ducorbier Selection Criteria: 1. Must have...
Varies Althouse Nesser K-Team Printing and Imaging Endowed Scholarship in Business
Established by Mrs. Judy Althouse Nesser Selection Criteria: 1. Must be...
$580.00 Angelo and Tricia Distefano Endowed Business Scholarship
Established by: Mr. Angelo and Mrs. Tricia Distefano Selection...
Varies Anil and Sudha Patel Endowed Scholarship in Business
Established By: Anil and Sudha Patel Selection Criteria: 1.) Must have...
Varies Basil Owen Sweatt College of Business Alumni Chapter Scholarship
Established by Ms. Arnelle Adcock Selection Criteria: 1. Must be...
Varies Bell South College of Business Endowed Scholarship
Established by the Southeastern Foundation Selection Criteria: 1. Must...
Varies Berey Family Endowed Scholarship in Business
Established by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Berey Selection Criteria: 1. Must...
Varies Charles C. "Charlie" Carter, III, Endowed Scholarship in the College of Business
Established by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. “Jay” Carter Selection...
Varies Charles Emery Cate First-Generation Endowed Scholarship
Established by Mr. Stanley Dameron Selection Criteria: 1. Must be a...
Varies Chefs Evening Endowed Scholarship for the College of Business
Established by: Board of Directors, Southeastern Louisiana University...
Varies Christine Marie Gonzales Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Business
Established by Ms. Sharon D. Gonzales Selection Criteria: 1. Must have a...
Varies Clausen Family First-Generation Endowed Scholarship
Established by Dr. Sally Clausen Selection Criteria: 1. Must be a...
Varies Doris Bankston Sweatt College of Education Scholarship
Established by Mrs. Arnelle Adcock and Mr. Owen Sweatt, Jr. Selection...
Varies Dorothy R. Lee Excellence in Business Endowed Scholarship
Established by Mr. Robert W. Lee, Jr. Selection Criteria: 1. Must have a...
Varies First Guaranty Bank Endowed Scholarship in Business
Established by the First Guaranty Bank Endowed Scholarship in...
Varies George A. Maier, Jr., Endowed Scholarship in Finance
Established by Mr. George A. Maier Selection Criteria: 1. Must be a...
Varies Gordon and Margaret Burgess Scholarship
Established by Mr. Wade Burgess Selection Criteria: 1. Must have...
Varies John and Beverly Manzella Endowed Scholarship in Business
Established by Mr. John D. Manzella, Jr. Selection Criteria: 1. Must...
Varies Joseph & Anna Piediscalzo Endowed Scholarship in Business
Established by Mr. Daniel J. Monistere Selection Criteria: 1. Minimum...
Varies Kappa Delta Tau Alumni - Rising Star Scholarship
Established by: Terry McCarthy, Glenn Ansardi and Southeastern KDT...
Varies Lane & Tasha Daniel Scholarship in Sales
Established by Mr. and Mrs. Lane Daniel Selection Criteria: 1. Must be...
Varies Neill Family Company Endowed Scholarship in Business
Established by The Neill Family Selection Criteria: 1. Must be majoring...
Varies Patrick and Gail Ponder Endowed Scholarship in Business
Established by Mrs. Gail G. Ponder Selection Criteria: 1. Must have a...
Varies R. K. Hoddinott Endowed Scholarship in Business & Technology
Established by Mr. R.K. Hoddinott, III Selection Criteria: 1. Minimum...
Varies Resource Bank Scholarship
Established by the Resource Bank Selection Criteria: 1. Must have...
Varies Sidney and Andree Rosenblum Endowed Scholarship in Business
Established by Mrs. Simone R. Irwin, Mrs. Cindy Golman, & Mr. Kip...
Varies Tom and Jane Akers Endowed Scholarship in Business
Established by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Akers Selection criteria: 1. Must...
Varies Willard & Inez Robertson Endowed Scholarship in Accounting (In Honor of Dr. R. Norval Garrett)
Established by David E. Robertson Selection criteria: 1. Must be an...
Varies William F. Kingsmill, III, Excellence in Business Endowed Scholarship
Established by Mr. William F. Kingsmill, III Selection criteria: 1. Must...